Saturday, April 30, 2011

Unaware of Unpreparedness

Lalaaaaa, procrastinating like crazy and with little patience to take three full-blown, epic, multiple choice tests next week. I hope i'm not taking the situation too lightly, I can't help but find wall-staring more appealing than studying.

Now... what have we learned this first year at an Environmental Science school...

ooooh, so that's what it does....
did not draw this...was some exhibit at the MOMA a million days ago

Question number 55, which poorly drawn, indistinguishable laboratory utensil would be best used to pick up a 50 mL beaker of steaming camomile tea?

Congratulations environmental student, you own a lifestyle that only 5.88 earths could satisfy. Not to mention your biggest rape on the Earth is having a "food footprint" higher than the national average. No wonder you're a giant goo-ball of happy triglyceride!

Everything is just peachy when you avoid stressful situations!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I was so happy to hang out with Vicki and learn to crochet my first chain ever, I hope to learn some more stitches soon and go into a deep dark addiction of doily making. Atm, I'm getting back into the habit of needlefelting, trying to do something more than felt balls and mushrooms. Somehow or other a friggin beaver came out of a chunk of wool... I don't even know what to say. The weather is ridiculous, dark clouds of torrential downpour at any moment and tons of severe weather warnings. It's a good night for felting indeed.

Random smexy felt shots and a quick goodbye to my old dorm room

I think I better learn to take better quality pictures, or get a new camera soon

Thursday, April 21, 2011

So much for the summer rant

Here comes a rant... especially highlighted for key words saving the unfortunate being 
who stumbles upon this from blowing their brains out...

 I'm a little demoralized by this Summer. 
I had hoped to do some amazing volunteering at Printshops or at the Botanic Garden (exercising some of my hobbies), but skimped out on pursuing more opportunities and was left with two rejections and no motivation to find a paying job in the scary ass part-time market. Now it's a little too late to apply or too restricting to go anywhere distant because of the Cranberry Lake field course this summer. 

After the fact, I decided it was best to pre-plan and look forward for the upcoming years. Now I'm sparked with fantasies to do an art center volunteer program in Cambodia, taking in all the beautiful temples and amazingly detailed Buddhist artwork, sampling some of the best food in Asia, helping to cook, clean and sell local artwork to tourists as well as learn the khmer language. I'd be enjoying my time observing and learning with kids of a different culture and mindset. To me, doing something like this is parallel to what they'd normally expect a student from my college to do (observing birds, herps and fishes to study their behaviors and ecological role), if not just as rewarding.

My amazing highschool AP Biology teacher was nice enough to send me an internship application to join a Santa Barbara professor out in the Sierra's to capture and take DNA samples from yellow legged frogs that have been in recent decline because of disease. We'd be expected to backpack for days in the mountains and the program was particularly aimed at women and minorities. The working time was so flexible (but with a 3 month commitment) and would have been perfect if I wasn't taking the 202 class. 

I guess it's better that I save these opportunities for later when I have more introductory field experience under my belt and more appreciation for all the experiences I've had thus far. I really enjoyed volunteering overseas for the first time in Taiwan two years ago teaching English, but was a little tired out by all the movement and bustle to know how lucky I was to do something like this. I'm still shocked I made it in one piece on a 13 hour flight over there on my own with the whole H1N1 scare and masked Asians freaking out over pathogens. 

("Tape-boy" was wild but the cutest kid ever)

With that rant, I guess it's all up to me to decide how to make this summer rewarding. I'm looking forward toward volunteer cleanup at Prospect Park, visiting the various Williamsburg flea markets for the first time (cautiously infringing on hipster territory....hey, anyway, since when was appreciating beautiful things too trendy to be a part of?) and working on arts and crafts projects with my friends.

I promise to post more art and less blab soon!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Side Things

Gaaah, I keep starting up little crafts and then losing interest in them within the week. I thought I would be more motivated to make things to sell at the craft fair, or show things at the showcase in a few weeks but I may not do either when that time comes around. I'll be a spectator for this year and really try to get things going before i'm too old and it's too late... I hoooope! 

(Drawing on my leg, just because)
                                 (Little dress up head things to document my growing hat collection)

                                                              (In progress clay figures!)