Raven skull done with several raku glazes. The flower petals kinda blew off the thing when I brought it from the kiln into the air, had to fix it with a bit of epoxy. Turns out I missed a piece... ah well. The concave portions of the petals have no glaze and were left to blacken naturally in the wood chip bin.
Roe Deer skull was done with high fire glazes. The antlers were a bit of a nuisance, but eventually had to prop them up with chopsticks and newspaper to let them slowly dry. Luckily, they didn't blow off like the flower petals on the raven. The small flowers along the back were meant to be poppies, but the red glaze didn't really show through, I don't know whether I should leave it be or add red nail polish. The base glaze was made with layers of several different glazes, it turned into some milky nebula look that worked well.